Superstar Chef Cheats Codes Tips Tricks Help Wanted (Mobile Android iOS iPhone iPad iPod)

Superstar Chef Cheats Codes Tips Tricks Help Wanted (Mobile Android iOS iPhone iPad iPod)

Cutthroat Kitchen: Superstar Sabotage is a reality cooking television show hosted by Alton Brown on the Food Network. It features four chefs challenged to cook gourmet dishes to be judged by a guest celebrity, but introduces auctions in which they can purchase opportunities to sabotage each other or benefit themselves. Each chef is given $25,000 at the start of the show; the winner keeps whatever money he/she has not spent in the auctions to give to their favorite charity -- up to $75,000.

In its fifth season, Cutthroat Kitchen had Nadia G. of Bitchin' Kitchin' as a contestant. She selected Create Now as her favorite charity to try to win money for. Her episode aired on October 15, 2014. Unfortunately, she lost, but Create Now will still get $2,500.